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Sunday, August 14, 2011

What were the last 3 Self-Development / Business Books that You Bought?

Steve Aitchison, a blogger and self-development coach, asked his readers this question.
I think it is a great question, it is a reality check whether we are reading enough in areas we want to improve, not just novels and stories....
So I decided to list them down here, the last 3 books that I bought.

Now, to get off the computer and to do some serious reading ;-)
Anyone else wants to share the 3 financial/business/self-development books that they bought? 


  1. mine: 1) The Present by Spencer Johnson
    2) bagaimana memperoleh rm30k dlam masa 30 hari melalui hartanah lelong by Ahmad Tarmizi Jusoh
    3) Menjadi penulis Hebat by Bobbi Deporrter

  2. Wah, eun-yong dah habis baca buku2 tu tak?

  3. hehehe.. buku pertama habis. buku kedua lagi quarter, buku ke3 belum sentuh. hahahahaah
