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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Extra Guest in the House Part 2

Image from http://www.easyvectors.com/browse/human/travelling-vector-30
Continuing from my immediate previous post, after I sent the email to evict the extra guest in the house, I got an immediate reply.  He explained that the guest was his little brother, and that the brother was on short-term training in KL.  As a big brother, he allowed his brother to stay with him.  His tone was none too happy, he claimed that if his brother was staying for long term, he would have moved out to rent another place together.
Anyway, just the day before, the training ended and his brother had left for overseas work after the training.
So the problem was settled instantaneously. Even if I was too late informing him, it is good I establish some rules so that he is aware of it already.
Since the brother had left, I decided not to argue and be too harsh about the situation, and just thank my tenant for his kind understanding.  Phew! Case closed too.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Extra Guest in the House

Image from http://thelandlorddiaries.com/?p=86
Yesterday one of my tenants called me to complain about his house-mate who have had a guest staying in the apartment for over 3 months.  The guest is apparently my tenant's brother who is "squatting" in the apartment living room.  While they all do not mind the occasional guest or relative coming to stay over sometimes, a long term guest in the living room is not acceptable.
How to approach this problem?  I wrote an email to my tenant, asking for the guest to leave within 2 weeks.  If he does not reply within 2 days, I will give him a call to discuss.  He has been a good paymaster all this while and the tenancy is due for renewal in 2 months.
Anyone of you have any suggestions for me?
BTW if the squatter look like anything in the photo here, I will send the blogger/property investor/manager eun-yong to settle the problem for me, hahahaha!